วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

At Hong Kong

Last Friday, I went to Hong Kong with my grandmother, my uncles, my aunts and my older sisters.
My uncle came to receive me at my hostel at 05.30a.m. I went to Suwannapoom airport. I checked my document, load my suitcase, and went to shopping at Duty fee in the airport. My older sister bought the powder, but I didn’t to buy anything.
I went to Hong Kong by Cathey Pacific airline. I take off the plane at 08.20a.m, and I arrived to Check Lab Kok airport at 12.10p.m.
When I arrived to Hong Kong, I went to the hotel. I stayed at Empire hotel. At lunch, I have egg noodles with the pork at the restaurant. And then, I went to shopping at Nathan road. I went to see the clothes, the camera, but I didn’t like.
In the evening, I have some food at the restaurant. And then, I went to see the laser of Hong Kong. It was very beautiful. After that, I sit a train to the shopping place. I bought the ipod video, and a bunch of key.
In the morning of the next day, I had some food at the restaurant. The food was Tim-Sum. It was delicious. And then, I sit in the coach to Victorrea peak, the gulf of Berdinn, the gulf of replusbay. I went to worship kuan-im Bodhisattva.
At lunch, I had some food of Hong Kong at the restaurant. And then, I went to shopping. I bought two shirts, and I bought the jean for my mum.
After that, I went to Shenzhen town by train. I went to the culture village. It had an art object native of the 21 group China. I sit in the tram for to see around the village. It was so good.
In the evening, I had some food at China restaurant. And then, I went to see the show of Shenzhen. It was very beautiful. I liked it very much because it was very thrill.
After that, I went to the hotel. The hotel was The best western hotel. I brought my suitcase to the hotel. And then I went to Lo wu center. It was the shopping place. It was the same Mabonkrong of Thailand. It was many goods, but I didn’t like. I didn’t to buy anything. And then, I came back to the hotel. I bought some water, and the egg noodle.
In the hotel, I went to my aunt’s room. I have and egg noodle with my aunts and my old sister. It was delicious. And then, I came to my room.
In the morning of the next day, I have some food in the hotel. It’s American Buffet. And then, I sit the train came to Hong Kong.
At Hong Kong, I went to Disneyland. I was very glad because I liked this place very much.
At lunch, I have some food in the Disneyland. And then, I went to play Space Mountain. It was very beautiful and very thrill. After I played Space Mountain, I walked to reel but I wanted to play again. And then, I went to see the show. It was a cartoons show. It was very pretty. I feel happy very much.
And then, I went to shopping in the Disneyland. I bought the Minny Mouse doll for my younger sister. I bought the bunch of keys. It was cartoon design. It was very pretty. I bought the Strick doll for my friend because my friend wanted it.
After that, I went to the Check Lab Kok airport. I checked my document and Load my suitcase. I have a hamburger at the airport. I went to shopping in the Duty fee. I bought some chocolates. I went to see the perfume but I didn’t like a smell. I went to the sweet store. My older sister bought some sweet. I came back to Thailand by Cathey Pacific airline. I take off the plane at 19.05p.m, and I arrived to Suwannapoom airport at 20.30p.m. I checked my document and received my suitcase.I left from Suwannapoom airport at 22.15p.m.
