วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

At The Mall

In the evening on Thursday, I finished the class early. So, I went to The Mall Bangkapi with my friend. Her name is Pang.
At The Mall, we went to the True shop because Pang went to cancel internet. And then, we had a dinner at Shabushi restaurant. It was Buffet. It was Japanese food. We ate 05.30p.m. to 06.15p.m. In fact, we could eat until 06.45p.m., but we were full.
After that, we walked in The Mall. In The Mall have many shop to discount. So, we went to see there. But we didn’t to something.
And then, we came back to hostel. During, we came back to hostel, it had rain, so we were wet.

วันพุธที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

In my summer

In my summer on April in this year, I went to the east-north of Thailand. I went there with two my grandmothers, my aunt, my older sister, and two my younger sisters. I went to Udontani province. I went to Udontani by plane. I left Dong-Mueng airport at 12.30p.m, and I arrived to Udontani at 01.30p.m.
After that, I went to the hotel by van. The hotel was name “Udon-airport” It was near the airport. I picked up my baggage in the room of the hotel. I stayed with my grandmother and my younger sister, my older sister and my grandmother stayed in the same room, and my aunt and my younger sister stayed in the same room too. They were big rooms.
And then, my grandmother, my younger sister and I went to my older sister room’s and my aunt’s room. Because my room was so far my older sister’s room and my aunt’s room, but they room were connected.
We ordered some food in the hotel. It was delicious. And then, we watched television in this room.
About 05.00p.m, we had dinner at the restaurant. It was near the river. And then, we went to the department store because my shoes damaged. I went to buy new shoes. And then, we came back to the hotel.
The next they, we went to “Bang-Na-ka” At here had many silk clothes. It was beautiful and very cheap.

The next day, we had breakfast in the hotel, and then we went to Nong-kai province. We went revere shirne “ Loung-Por-Pra-Sai” and we went to Laos country.We went to Laos country by bus and we passed “Mit-Ta-Parb-Thai-Laos” bridge. We went to Duty Fee. It was many goods. It was so cheap. I bought the wallets. And then, we came back to Thailand country. We went to “Tra-Sa-Ded” At here had many goods and very cheap too. I bought the shirts. And I bought the T-shirts to give my sister at home.
The next day, that day was a last day for the trip. We went to Nakonratchaseema province. Some peoples calls this province about “ Ko-Lad” I bought some sweet at here. The sweet was name “Ka-Ree-Pub” It was about the bread and had some meat, some bean, and some fruits beside the bread. It was very delicious. I bought it so much, because I brought it to my friends.
And then, we had lunch and went to revered shrine “Ya-Mo”. “Ya-Mo” was a person who was heroine of Thailand. She was very good and very brave.
After that, we came back to my home.

วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

At home

On Thursday, I went to come back my home. My father and my mother came to receive me at my hostel. My parents and I went to eat a noodle, and went to bought waffles. After we have a noodle, we came back home. In the car, my mother and I have waffle. But my father didn’t have because he drove a car.
I arrived to my home at 05.30p.m. My sisters waited in the home. My parents, my sisters, and I had dinner in my home. And then, I went to watch a television and play computer about conversation with my friend in MSN.
In the morning of the next day, I went to the hospital with my mother because my mother hurt at wrist. The doctor told to my mum about a tendon at wrist swell, and gave a medicine to my mum. And then, we went to Big C. We had lunch at MK restaurant. It had delicious. We went to shopping at Big C. I bought shampoo, soap, toothpaste, powder and the clothes. After that, we came back to my home.
In the evening, my younger sister came back from her school. My family went to Hua-Hin. We had dinner at Hua-Hin. And then, we went to shopping at Lotus. I bought 2 T-shirts. It’s black color. I bought it at bossini store. And then, we went to a bakery. We bought some bread at this store. And then, we came back to my home.
In my home, we watched television. It was Thai drama. And then, I played computer. I read a law book. While I read a book, I watched a series Korea in my laptop. The series Korea was “Witch you hee” It was very fun. I liked it very much because a hero of this story was very good man, and a heroine of this story was very beautiful. She had a big black eye, dark eyebrows, and a prominent nose. I liked her very much.
In the morning of the next day, I got up very early. I had bread. I watched television about news, and read newspapers. I went to grandfather’s home. My grandmother and my aunt were seeing some picture. The picture was about at Hong-Kong. So, I went to see the picture with my grandmother and my aunt. And then, I talked with my grandmother and my aunt. After that, I came back to my home. I went to see a new house. I watched television, and play computer. A few minute, I turned off television, and turned on music. I listened music while I play computer. I read a law book.
In the evening, I had dinner in my home with my family. And then, I watched television. I read English book. I played computer while I listened music. And then, I watched television about Academy fantasia. Today, they completed sing a song about “Cheer song” I liked it very much.
In the morning of the next day, I got up early too. Today I went to vote the elect. It was the first time for my life.
After that, I came back to Bangkok. My parents and my sisters brought me to my hostel. We went to Central RaMa 2. We have lunch at China restaurant. It was Tim-Sum, and egg noodles. It was so good taste. And then, I went to shopping at here. I bought 3 earrings, shirt, and 2 shorts. I went to a bakery. I bought some bread.
After that, my parents and my sisters brought me to my hostel. I arrived to my hostel at 04.30p.m. I watched television about the result of vote the elect.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

A fun day

On Wednesday, I had class law of obligatation at 02.00p.m, and I finished this class at 05.15p.m. And then, I went to buy some food with my friend. Her name is Due. And I came back to my hostel at my room.
I had a dinner in my room. I had dinner, while I watched a television. A program was True academy fantasia season 4. It was about a person who do something what they dream. They liked to sing a song. They lived in a home. The home has been name Academy. Every week, they compete to sing a song. A person who has the least vote, he/she must to leave to this house. I think it was very fun because I liked listen a song.

After that, I watched a game show. The game show was “Game-Tos-Sa-Kan”. Today have stars to play this game for give some money to help teacher in the south of Thailand. It was very fun. The game was about to has a face one person and has a question about this person. If the star right answered, the star received some money to help teacher in the south of Thailand.

And then, I played computer. I played internet about to search the digital camera because I wanted to buy new digital camera. I searched in internet while I was listening music. It was a pop music. And then, I take a bath.
After that, I read the book about law of delict and English book.

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Mother's Day

In 12th August 1529 was born of Queen Sirikik of Thailand, so in Thailand appointments to this day is Mother’s day. And the jasmine was a flower of Mother’s day.
On Sunday, It was Mother’s day. I stayed at home with my family about my father, my mother, my older sister, my younger sister, and me. We watched television together.
At 11.00a.m, we went to the restaurant for eat some food with my grandmother and my relation such as my uncles, my aunts, and my cousins. The restaurant was name “Krow-Med-Sai”. It was sea food. The restaurant was near the beach. So, the air is so good.
We ordered some food about fish, shrimp, crab, shell, squid, and mantis prawn. It was so fresh. It was delicious. My grandmother and relation, and I had it to much.
And then, we sent a garland to my grandmother. My grandmother was happy. She was smile.
After that, we came back to my home. I went to Big C with my family. I went to shopping something in Big C. I bought a breast-pin to my mum. A breast-pin was jasmine shape, because a jasmine was a symbol of the mother’s day.
In the Big C, I bought some sweets. I went to see the clothes, but I didn’t like. So, I didn’t to buy it. I went to ornaments store. I bought the earring 3 pairs. And then, I came back to my home.
At home, I watched television with my family, and play game in the laptop, and conversation with my friend in MSN. I talked with Numphung, Pang, and Kik. Kik was my old friend. She is friendly, funny, and helpful so much. She is my good friend. I talked with her long a time. I missed my old friend very much, because I didn’t to meet my old friend about 2 years.

At Hong Kong

Last Friday, I went to Hong Kong with my grandmother, my uncles, my aunts and my older sisters.
My uncle came to receive me at my hostel at 05.30a.m. I went to Suwannapoom airport. I checked my document, load my suitcase, and went to shopping at Duty fee in the airport. My older sister bought the powder, but I didn’t to buy anything.
I went to Hong Kong by Cathey Pacific airline. I take off the plane at 08.20a.m, and I arrived to Check Lab Kok airport at 12.10p.m.
When I arrived to Hong Kong, I went to the hotel. I stayed at Empire hotel. At lunch, I have egg noodles with the pork at the restaurant. And then, I went to shopping at Nathan road. I went to see the clothes, the camera, but I didn’t like.
In the evening, I have some food at the restaurant. And then, I went to see the laser of Hong Kong. It was very beautiful. After that, I sit a train to the shopping place. I bought the ipod video, and a bunch of key.
In the morning of the next day, I had some food at the restaurant. The food was Tim-Sum. It was delicious. And then, I sit in the coach to Victorrea peak, the gulf of Berdinn, the gulf of replusbay. I went to worship kuan-im Bodhisattva.
At lunch, I had some food of Hong Kong at the restaurant. And then, I went to shopping. I bought two shirts, and I bought the jean for my mum.
After that, I went to Shenzhen town by train. I went to the culture village. It had an art object native of the 21 group China. I sit in the tram for to see around the village. It was so good.
In the evening, I had some food at China restaurant. And then, I went to see the show of Shenzhen. It was very beautiful. I liked it very much because it was very thrill.
After that, I went to the hotel. The hotel was The best western hotel. I brought my suitcase to the hotel. And then I went to Lo wu center. It was the shopping place. It was the same Mabonkrong of Thailand. It was many goods, but I didn’t like. I didn’t to buy anything. And then, I came back to the hotel. I bought some water, and the egg noodle.
In the hotel, I went to my aunt’s room. I have and egg noodle with my aunts and my old sister. It was delicious. And then, I came to my room.
In the morning of the next day, I have some food in the hotel. It’s American Buffet. And then, I sit the train came to Hong Kong.
At Hong Kong, I went to Disneyland. I was very glad because I liked this place very much.
At lunch, I have some food in the Disneyland. And then, I went to play Space Mountain. It was very beautiful and very thrill. After I played Space Mountain, I walked to reel but I wanted to play again. And then, I went to see the show. It was a cartoons show. It was very pretty. I feel happy very much.
And then, I went to shopping in the Disneyland. I bought the Minny Mouse doll for my younger sister. I bought the bunch of keys. It was cartoon design. It was very pretty. I bought the Strick doll for my friend because my friend wanted it.
After that, I went to the Check Lab Kok airport. I checked my document and Load my suitcase. I have a hamburger at the airport. I went to shopping in the Duty fee. I bought some chocolates. I went to see the perfume but I didn’t like a smell. I went to the sweet store. My older sister bought some sweet. I came back to Thailand by Cathey Pacific airline. I take off the plane at 19.05p.m, and I arrived to Suwannapoom airport at 20.30p.m. I checked my document and received my suitcase.I left from Suwannapoom airport at 22.15p.m.