วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

A Fun day

On Thursday, I had law subject class about 08.00a.m. I walked to the class with my friends ”Pang” “Max”. In the class, I met “Noon”. She was calling. In this class, It finished about 10.00a.m.
And then, I had breakfast at Lock-Home restaurant with my friends. And about 11.00a.m, I had study English. In the class, I talked with my friends about the show on Monday. When I finished the class, my friends and I went to in front of Rumkumhang. We went to buy the clothes for to show on Monday. We bought the suit, because my character was jury, and my friends was the witness.
After that, we went to The Mall Rumkumhang. We had lunch at Shabushi restaurant. It was buffet. It was Japanese food. It was the same Suki. It was delicious.
And then, we came back to the university. We had the law subject class at 03.30p.m.

วันพุธที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

My high school

On March in this year, it had birthday my high school. My high school was about 80 years. My high school was name “Benchamatheputit Petchburi”. I went to my high school. I found my teachers and my old friends. It had a party in the school. It had some foods, and some shows. It had some souvenir such as the doll bear and some glasses.
When I arrived to my high school, I found my old friend.Her name is “Gade” She is clever. She is friendly and talkative. “Nun” She is a little girl. She is friendly and funny. “Art” She is a pretty. She is very friendly. “Kik” She is beautiful. She is friendly and talkative. “Pui” She is pretty. She is a good friend. She is friendly. “Keaw” She is funny and friendly. “Pat” She is friendly and talkative. She liked to take a photo very much. “Pond” She is very tall. She is friendly and fun. “Jinn” She is a leader of my class in my high school. She is clever. She is very patient, friendly, funny, and helpful. They were taking some photo. And then, we went to the party. My friends and I had about 30 persons. We sat about 3 desks. We saw the shows. It had very beautiful. We liked it so much.
About 08.00p.m. It was very dark because my teachers take off some light and they did many firecrackers. It had very beautiful. It had many colors.
And then, we ate some foods and talked with my friends. We talked about the university, and new friends.
And then, we take many photos in the desk. And we walked to another desks because some friends who studied another room with me in the high school, they sat another desk with me too. When I arrived to the desk of my friends, they were going to talk and eat some food. We talked many story. And then, I came back to my desk.
And I went to find my teachers. I talked with my teachers. My teachers asked me about my university and my faculty. And then, I came back to my desk.
I talked with my friends. After that, my teachers who ever been advisor my class in my high school came in to my desk. She talked with my friends and I. And then, we were taking some photos.
And then, my mum called to me about she came to receive me at my high school. So, I came back to my home.